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Eva’s Marathon For Heart Arrhythmia

This post is a little different than my usual ones about tech…

Last year, I got diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia. This diagnosis was challenging for me, both physically and mentally. For the first couple of months, I was terrified of ‘dropping dead’ for lack of a better expression. I had to stop exercising and became fearful of anything that increased my heart rate. 

Fortunately, after multiple tests, my cardiologist found my heart was strong and reassured me that I could get back to a moderate exercise routine. Once I pushed through the initial fear, I realized that running helps me to manage my symptoms, and I started to run longer distances. Earlier this year, I ran my first ever half marathon. It was amazing!

My goal for 2022 is to complete a full marathon. My cardiologist said she doesn’t recommend that I run several but greenlighted me for one, so I signed up for the 2022 Philadelphia Marathon on November 20th. 

I want to make the most out of my opportunity to run this race by using it as a chance to contribute to the development of treatments against arrhythmia and other cardiac conditions. For that, I want to raise $2k for the American Heart Association. Any amount, no matter how little, will help to fund their research and improve the lives of millions of people worldwide.  

The full story and link to donate can be found on my GoFundMe page below.

Speaking at the VRAR Association Education Committee

It was a pleasure to speak at the VRARA Education Committee session about the Future of VR, Neuroscience and Spatial Computing! I especially enjoyed hearing about the different applications the audience was interested in using Galea for.

Special thanks to Carlos J. Ochoa Fernández for inviting me as a speaker and organizing the event. The work this organization is doing to develop immersive technologies and make them accessible is admirable.

For those of you who couldn’t attend, I’ll share the recording when it comes out. Looking forward to the next one!

Unipeers Launch

One of the most challenging aspects of studying abroad is understanding how the other country’s educational system works well enough to apply to your top school, get admitted, and get a scholarship or funding.

As an international student in both the UK and the US I experienced how overwhelming this process can be. Having had a mentor or a reference person to ask at my dream university would have saved me countless hours of frustration. To help others who find themselves in this situation, I’ve joined forces with Katie Donahoe to create Unipeers.

Unipeers is a non-profit initiative to bring together the largest community of graduate alumni, students, and prospective students from top US universities. Whether you’re looking to learn more about applying to graduate school or landing your first job, Unipeers will help you connect with people just like you who’ve done it before!

Learn more about how to join as a member or volunteer on our website:

Why I’m Working on

Living in Spain made applying to study in the UK and later in the US challenging for me. Not having anyone to ask at my dream schools or the cities I wanted to move to made me feel lost, overwhelmed and discouraged.

I’m grateful for persevering and getting through the process, but also aware there were times when I almost returned home. In an effort to prevent this from happening to others, Katie Donahoe and I are creating Unipeers.

What’s Unipeers? Learn all about it in my Medium article!

Image Source: Vectorpocket.

STEM Ambassador

Getting involved in GE’s volunteering scheme since day one was a great decision and I recommend it to any intern!

As a STEM ambassador, I got the opportunity to share my experience at careers fairs such as the Bucks Skills Show and the Imperial College London careers fair. We also organized the 2018 GE Work Experience Week, an event for students to visit the offices and participate in workshops, talks, tours and more.

I joined GE’s GirlsGetSET scheme, which is aimed at teaching young girls about Science, Engineering and Technology (SET). As part of the initiative, we organized a workshop where we taught them the basics of iterative software development for apps using the agile methodology. It was great to see the engagement and set an example I never had when I was younger!

As part of the GE Charity team, I also volunteered at daylong family events such as the ‘Sunday Funday’. I will never forget the sense of community I got when I saw so many people participating – definitely worth waking up early on Saturday!

Don’t forget to give back to others – it’s a feeling like no other!

Volunteering at Make a Wish

Make a Wish is a charity that creates life-changing wishes for critically ill children. Volunteering with them in the UK from 2016 to 2017 was an incredibly rewarding experience. Here is a picture from one of the bake sales we organized – I had just finished exam season at University so don’t mind my tired face!