Showing 3 Result(s)

EEG Meditation Tracker

This is an ongoing project that I started in the COVID-19 lockdown period. During quarantine I meditated often to improve my mental health. But I often struggled to know whether I was making progress and increasing my ability to stay “in the zone” for longer periods of time. So I thought… why not build myself a tracker?

This Arduino-based prototype measures my brain waves and calculates how long my mental relaxation streaks are, allowing me to see my highest score of the day. The success metric I use to determine whether my meditation session is successful is how quiet and focused my mind is the rest of the day. I found that the longer, deeper and more consistently I meditate in the morning, the better my mind feels the rest of the time. Hence, I decided to use the length of time I manage to stay in a meditative state as a measure of my performance. This direct correlation might not be true for other people though as there are a lot of factors that come into play such as how long it takes one to “get in the zone” or the type of meditation.

My goal is to be able to meditate for 45 minutes straight. My plan is to find out what happens to myself and other people when using this device to reach my time goals and iterate further to adjust it. Stay tuned for updates!

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Chair Posture Tracker

This project consists of a prototype for a data logger that I developed in a week. It measures, logs and displays the percentage of time that you spend sitting in an incorrect posture. For this, it uses an Arduino, an EEPROM, a potentiometer, and a Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR), among other components. I used C language to write the firmware. There are no excuses now – you can start reducing the percentage of time until you obtain 0% time sitting incorrectly!

Check out the video! For more information on the hardware and software specifics of the project click on the link to the full project repository. I completed this project at Cornell Tech, NYC.

Star Quest (Gamified Goal Tracker)

For Startup Studio @ Cornell Tech I worked in a team with Katie Donahoe (CS) Austin Li (CS) , Johnway Yih (MBA) and Queena Wang (Design) to create a product in the parent tech space. We interviewed 40+ parents and experts in the field to understand the main problems parents currently face when raising their children. One of the pain points that consistently came up is the struggle to motivate kids to complete tasks that can be perceived as boring such as their homework, chores, taking care of pets, etc.

To solve this problem, we created Star Quest, which is a gamified goal tracker for kids. In this game, the kid is an astronaut that can explore different planets, each of which has new games. To unblock a planet, the child needs to earn stars. Parents and children work together to decide how many stars each chore is worth, and log weekly goals in the app. The more goals the kid completes, the more stars they get. The more stars they get, the more rewards they can redeem such as gear for their avatar, new levels of the game, or choosing some family activities for the weekend.

Star Quest clickable prototype screens designed by Queena

Find out more about our journey through ideation, customer discovery, and user testing by reading the Medium articles here, or checking the project repository on the button below.